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APRIL 22-25, 2025


Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa

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At GLDS’ BroadHub Annual Meetup (BAM!) you’ll gain critical insight from industry leaders as they share their broadband successes and set-backs. You’ll also hear how these operators leverage GLDS,
and integrated partner solutions, to help grow their business and thrill their customers.

Join these partners in helping us build
next generation networks, and the
systems that empower them!

Share ideas, best practices and build a community of broadband experts.

Share ideas, best practices and build a community of broadband experts.

Build connections with those that help solve the industry's toughest problems.

Build connections with those that help solve the industry's toughest problems.

Dig in with other operators and determine how to solve real-world problems.

Dig in with other operators and determine how to solve real-world problems.

100% of BAM!24 Integration Partners

Would Recommend BAM! to other Integration Partners!

What to Expect

100% BSP Engagement! While at most industry events vendors are asked to wait on an expo floor hoping operators will visit, we’ll invite you to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with BSPs and participate in group discussions as experts with something to add to the conversation. Integration partners are invited to attend sessions, dine, and socialize with BSPs as peers.

We’ll provide a list of attending companies, and we will publish an opt-in attendee list. The event will be intimate enough that you will have a chance to meet everyone.

BSP Profile

BAM! is a “family affair” which has been held annually since 1995. GLDS serves about 200 BSPs in more than 20 countries. We expect between 75-100 attendees representing more than 30 BSPs at our 2024 event. This is a smaller event with plenty of one-on-one time with both GLDS team members and our customers.

While most attendees are responsible for broadband back-office systems, we also see attendees representing technical operations, management, and even broadband system ownership.

GLDS solutions are popular with both utility-based and municipal FTTH BSPs, as well as private fiber, cable operators, wireless ISPs, and even satellite operators.

Who’s Invited?

Partner Attendees

The event is not open to the public. We invite GLDS customers, select prospective customers, industry consultants, and specific partners with whom GLDS has a certified interface. Contact if you’d like to be invited to attend.

Want to Bring A Guest to BAM?

While not intended for the sessions themselves, we’re happy to have your guest(s) join us for meals and activities. Register your guest separately using the Bring A Guest option and we’ll handle billing in a way that’s most convenient for you.

Sponsorship Opportunities

While sponsorship isn’t required, GLDS offers partners the ability to sponsor certain elements of the event
with the goal of building brand awareness and supporting attending BSPs.
Your sponsorship fees ensure attendee rates stay as low as possible.

Request information about Sponsoring BAM!

You’re in Good Company!  Join these GLDS Integration Partners at BAM!25

We’ll see you at BAM!25

For inquiries or help, email:

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